WEATHER THE STORM : Essential Motorcycle Safety Tips

There is always a first-time, and everyone starts from it in various ways. Moreover, unexpected challenges can make it more tough. New situations can be daunting, but remember, the best way to overcome it is thru proper education and to learn & adapt. 

Similar to motorcycle riding, we all started from zero, and each experiences are giving us new learnings.  The Motorcycle Development Program Participants Association, Inc. (MDPPA), an organization of 5 Motorcycle Manufacturers, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki, TVS, and Yamaha, is giving you few tips to help you stay safe on the road as you ride your motorcycle this rainy season!

Always have your rainy-day essentials ready

With the wet season still underway, it pays to always have your rainy-day essentials ready with you whenever you go out for a ride. Among the items that you’re going to need is rain gear; opt for a 2-piece jacket and pants set instead of a poncho as the latter is prone to getting caught up in the moving parts of your motorcycle. Visor treatment, apply an anti-fog treatment, if possible, to your helmet visor to maintain visibility. Another item that you’ll need is a reflective band, which can be useful at night or during low-visibility conditions because of the rainy weather.

Be more careful when riding in the rain

Whenever it rains, roads can become more slippery due to residuals like oil and grease rising on top of rainwater, in turn reducing the grip of your wheels on the road. In addition, the rain can result in lower visibility for you and other road users, increasing the risk of road mishaps. These are some of the reasons why you need to be more careful when riding in the rain.

Adjust your riding style, reduce speed to increase reaction time and reduce the risk of hydroplaning. Smooth controls, be gentle with your throttle, brakes, and handlebar to avoid skidding. Increase following distance, leave more space between you and the vehicle in front to give yourself extra time to properly stop. Another best practice is to avoid sudden maneuvers, as this might result in you losing control of your motorcycle. You also need to be more aware of your surroundings, especially at intersections.


Consider your route carefully

Before going out on a ride in the rain, make sure that you already have your route planned out. Find out which roads are prone to flooding and heavy traffic whenever it’s raining, so you can find alternative routes. Also, if you can help it, avoid riding through flood especially if the water seems too deep, as this can damage your motorcycle.

Take shelter ASAP especially during heavy rain

During heavy rain, visibility can be so low that navigating the road becomes dangerous, not to mention the possibility of flash floods which might get you stranded and even damage your motorcycle. In this scenario, it would be wiser for you to seek out shelter as soon as possible and just wait it out, but make sure that you’re doing it properly, by seeking out emergency lay-bys that are intended for motorcycle riders. 

This rainy season, navigating the road can become more challenging especially when out and about in our two-wheeled companions, so make sure to remember these tips so you can stay safe while riding your motorcycle!



The Motorcycle Development Program Participants Association, Inc. (MDPPA) is the country’s most relevant association proactive to the needs of stakeholders in the country’s motorcycle industry. Among the many goals of MDPPA is addressing the global industry gaps in road safety, regulation compliance, environmental protection, technology, and innovation through active consultation, representation, and communication with various stakeholders.

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